Thursday, September 14, 2006


A few days back, when I was considering starting a blog, a friend wrote to me 'Do blog.....its quite liberating'.....

The term 'liberating' caught my fancy. I thought people blogged because they wanted to write, they wanted to express, may be keep in touch with equally bloggistic(!!!!!!) friends but I never thought blogging could be liberating...I don't think that will be the case with me!!

Anyhow, that's not the point. The point is about a question that the comment raised to me.

What are the things that are binding me?

Of course, the answers are subjective to each individual. What I realised though, was that there could be various answers to this question for a single individual. I had more than one answer and one of them goes as this:

I am bound by my work. I am bound by my family. I am bound by my comittments, I am bound by my friends, I am bound by my hobbies and interests. I am bound by my likes,I am bound by my dislikes. I am bound by my shortcomings, I am bound by my abilities, I am bound by my feelings, I am bound by my thoughts, I am bound by my wants. I am bound by who I am.

I am bound by me!


Blogger Mukta Raut said...

well, why are these things a bondage?

6:22 AM  
Blogger Leziblogger said...

Precisely the point!They aren't.

Anything is a bondage only if we let it be,isn't it?

So, why do we let a lot of other things be a bondage and then seek unusual ways of liberating from it?

Why can't we challenge our bondages heads-on and turn them lightweight?

Am getting too philosophical now so won't continue. Thanks for the comments. In cricketing parlance, you 'debuted' the comments section on this blog!

9:30 PM  

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